Scheduling Recruiting
If you would like to schedule a recruiting visit or guest class presentation please contact our Program Manager, Rachell Smith, at the phone number or email listed below.
The Info Sessions and Job Board tabs to the right provide the current recruitment schedule and job listings respectively.
Kelsey Ginori, CCCE Program Manager
Phone: 805.756.1723
Posting Jobs
If you have a job or internship posting for a student or alum that you would like posted on the CM department job board please submit your complete posting using the submittal link located on the Job Board tab to the right.
Jenay Reynolds-Sibbach, Website Administrator
Email: jreyno00@calpoly.edu
Phone: 805.756.6385
Cooperative Education
The Cal Poly Construction Management Department's Cooperative Education (Co-Op) Program is a collaborative effort between students and construction industry businesses. The Co-Op program allows students to work in a full time paid position while receiving credit towards completion of a Construction Management Degree.
A full description of the CM Co-Op Program can be found under the Co-Op Program tab in the Current Students section of this web site.
Industry members who would like more information about our Cooperative Education program or who are looking to hire students for a Co-Op position should contact:
Phil Barlow, Co-Op Director
Phone: 805.756.2797