Support Construction Management

Construction Management students are among the most aggressively recruited on campus, with nearly 100% finding full-time employment prior to graduation.
Employers and industry agree – Cal Poly Construction Management graduates are better prepared for the workforce and for leadership positions in the field because of their hands-on experiences while in college, and due to their ability to work collaboratively in teams and across disciplines.


Scholarship support is a critical part of student success. Your donation not only provides financial support to the recipients - it can make the difference between whether a student joins an ASC competition team or an academic club.
Student receiving scholarship

Join our industry, foundation and family scholarship supporters –

   Allen and Nancy Minton 
   Beavers Heavy Construction Foundation
   Blair Tulloch Memorial
   Co-op Scholarships
   Don Tanklage 
   Don Chapin Company 
   Hayward Lumber/Edgar Contreras Memorial
   Kris Cello
   Vinnell Foundation 
Consider supporting an existing scholarship, or starting your own today!

Students in Need

Life happens, and it’s never on time. The computer breaks right before the final report is due, or an emergency back home requires an immediate trip to see family. Maybe incoming dollars don’t match up to the bills, or a student is short on materials for a final project. Help to ensure that a student with an emergency has the support they need to meet the challenge.

Hands-on Courses and Labs

Courses and labs are where our students gain valuable learn by doing experience. Your support helps keep these courses updated and industry-specific, and keeps the labs state of the art allowing us to stay on track with new innovations and trends in technologies.

Students working in CM 214Course Sponsorships $25K over 5 years

Investing in the underwriting of a course will ensure faculty offer industry-specific projects that represent the reality of the construction profession today. Your support may be used to provide professional development opportunities to faculty and/or students, or provide transportation and lodging for travel to conferences or competitions. Equipment and supplies/materials may also be purchased with the funds. 
*Corporate Real Estate
*Industrial Construction
*CM Special Topics Courses
CM building and Simpson Strong-Tie Lab

Lab Sponsorships $50K over 5 years or Perpetual Naming (Contact Department for Details)

Your support of a specific lab or classroom will provide faculty and students necessary hands-on practical experience, essential preparation for a career in construction management. 
Examples include:
*Simpson Strong Tie Construction Innovations
*Pulte Residential Construction Lab
*Webcor Commercial Building Lab
*Cupertino Specialty Construction Lab
*Clark Construction Integrated Lab
*Pankow Builders Design Build Lab
Opportunities for lab/class naming still exist for the computer lab, several faculty research labs, and several faculty offices.

Student Competitions

Construction management students are encouraged to enter hands-on competitions to foster resourcefulness, project management skills, and the ability to work in teams.
Donations from individuals, alumni and companies allow student teams the opportunity to travel and compete against teams from other universities from around the region and nation.
Cal Poly Construction Management students have brought home more trophies than any other program in the country.
If you are interested in sponsoring please contact Dr. Jeong Woo at . Once approved, donations can be made here.

Be an Industry Partner

Partnerships with industry make Cal Poly’s Construction Management department a leader among the country’s construction management departments. 
Support from our partners includes classroom presentations on innovative industry rends, student field trips and professional internships. If you would like more information about how your company can be involved, call today.

Support the California Center for Construction Education – CCCE

The CCCE is an educational outreach unit designed to provide practitioner education, applied research service, and consultations to the design and construction industry in the state of California and to serve the community at large as a national clearinghouse for industry leadership, knowledge, technology and innovation.

Contact Joe Cleary for more information about the CCCE –

CM Fund for Excellence

Your gift to this discretionary fund will be used as needed to support such expenditures as student/faculty travel, materials and supplies, or code books.

Click on this link to give to the Construction Management Fund for Excellence! 

For More Information

Please contact Dr. Jeong Woo, Construction Management Department Head, at 805-756-5493, or email; or the CAED Advancement Office at 805-756-6144.

Matching Gifts

Employers often match their employee donations, under certain circumstances or for specific purposes, which could double your gift. If your employer participates in this type of program, consider asking them to match your gift to Cal Poly.

Planned Gifts

Make a legacy gift to CM, the college or the university by recording your intent in your estate plans.

Contact the CAED Advancement office at 805-756-6144 for more information.

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