Paul Weber Receives AGC 2017 Construction Education Friend Award
Paul Weber (Right) with Student Will Leonard "Pledge"
Construction Education Friend Award
The AGC (Associated General Contractors) of California Construction Education Foundation Friend Award recognizes individuals who made outstanding contributions to construction education efforts and the development of future construction workforce.
Paul Weber
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Paul Weber has dedicated the last 18 years of his professional career to teaching, mentoring, and advising aspiring construction professionals at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (SLO). With the student’s future success in mind, Paul Weber has done everything he can to give students the opportunity to succeed. That has led him to his current position as the Cal Poly AGC Student Chapter Faculty Advisor. Before Paul began teaching, he double majored in Construction Engineering and Architecture at Cal Poly, SLO. Soon after, Paul jumped into his career and began leading a successful home building enterprise where he designed and built homes throughout California.
Students at Cal Poly are first introduced to Paul when they take his Introduction to Construction Management course (CM 102). Because this is the first Construction Management course that students take, many develop a relationship with Paul that will extend and grow as they progress through the program. Another course that Paul teaches is Fundamentals of Construction Management (CM 115).
Paul’s mentorship reaches far past just the students taking his classes. When students begin their journey as a construction management student, they are assigned one of the faculty members as a mentor for the duration of their time in college. Whether it be about school or about life in general, you can always count on Paul to give you some words of wisdom and brighten up your day.
The Cal Poly AGC student chapter has only been around for roughly 10 years and Paul has been the backbone of the organization. As students come and go, Paul has remained the man behind the wheel–steering this club to success and constantly giving all students the opportunities to learn and grow as individuals. The student chapter was quite in its early stages and at times could have dissipated, but Paul kept promoting it until the life was brought back into the chapter.
Today Paul is very involved with the chapters success on campus and is always helping us look for new ways to improve the student chapter. As an individual, he does so much more for not only the AGC chapter on campus, but all students he interacts with. With AGC, Paul is involved in all AGC sponsored events, whether that be conferences, socials, fundraisers, or anything that benefits the student’s growth and the chapter. Just over the past two years the student chapter has grown by 50 members and now has a complete board. The AGC Student Chapter was also able to travel to the AGC National conference for the first time in its history, all with Paul supporting the students and doing whatever he can to make their dreams become a reality.
Paul is not only an outstanding professor and mentor, but person as well. He always says that he loves watching his students grow and progress throughout their careers and personal lives.